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Minggu, 22 April 2012

"Ask Emilie"

on Friday, February 26, 2010 at 3:20pm ·
by Remember Me


You've had a very diverse career from doing Lost on TV to movies, and in the roles you've played. What motivates and inspires you to take on a character or project?
- Andrea L. Lavigne

I suppose what motivates and inspires me is a role/project that challenges me in a new and different way. There's also that instant connection with a character I feel when I read a script and would die to play her...hard to verbalize but it's just a feeling I get when I read something I love.

What does "Remember Me" have that makes it different from common romantic stories?
- John Sikovaris

The characters are so beautifully unique and their relationships break the norm. It's a reality driven piece that depicts so many parts of a relationship. Not just Ally and Tyler's but their relationship with their families and in turn, how that effects them.

What was it like to work with co-star Robert Pattinson? Did you spend time getting to know each other before filming or during to create chemistry?
- Lauren Spratt

We had a really great time working together. Instead of just doing a scene and reading your lines, it felt like I was just reacting to him and the situation which made it feel very natural and un-forced. Probably the case because not only did we get along really well- we made a point of being on the same page as each other to do with our characters' relationship. Not reading over and over scenes, but more talking about them and our characters and finding moments one or both of us hadn't noticed before. I think really getting to know someone helps a lot with having believable chemistry on-screen.

Other than the Ally/Tyler relationship, which do you think is the best relationship in the film and why?
- Natalia Al

Ruby and Rob who play Caroline and Tyler-They had such a great chemistry together. Even though there's a big age difference between the characters they have such an adult relationship. Tyler could not be more caring and protective of Caroline and goes to great lengths to try and make her father understand and be there for her.

Ally is such a strong yet sweet character. Was it difficult to balance those qualities in your portrayal?
- "Deserae Torrez

It was in a way, although Ally and I have some similar traits it's more challenging to not just play a version of yourself, but rather use those similar characteristics and develop a totally new character.

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nice picture By : Ivan

" Gambar diambil Lewat Camera Digital Dengan Layar Penuh
Dari Atas kapal Disaat Mau Tiba Berlabuh. Keunikan Daerah Ini Yang Membuat Newbs User Tergerak Insting Dalam Pengambilan Photo. (Gambar), Dimana Air Danau Yang Begitu Bersih Sehingga Rasa Alaminya Dapat Kita Nikmati,Selain Air, Pemandangan Lainyang Bisa Kita Lihat, Yaitu Rakitan Dari Sebuah Drum Kosong Untuk Dijadikan Terapung Diatas Air Danau Tersebut. Jelasnya Orang Yang Ada Di daerah Ini Mengatakan Namanya Adalah Keramba. Untuk Peternakan Bebagai Jenis Ikan Yang Hidup Di Air Tawar Atau Air Danau Toba.Keramba Dengan Sekat Yang Rapi Menjadikan Sebuah Hiasan Untuk Daerah ini.Sebagian Besar Penduduk Daerah Ini Mengelolah Keramba Untuk Hasil Kehidupan Mereka.Daerah ini Terletak Di tepi Danau Toba ± 3 Km Dari Daerah Seribudolok. Lanjutan Untuk Tarik Jalur Medan ± 20Km. Untuk Menempuh Daerah Ini. Sebutan Dengan Nama Penghasil Ikan Nila, Ikan Mas,dan Ikan Mujahir. Tepatnya Haranggaol Horisan
Kec : Haranggaol Horisan
Kab : Simalungun
Prov : Sumut
